Sunday 25 May 2014

Small things that reap big benefits in sales!

Do you really want to make it big in sales?

If yes, then here are here are some tricks of the trade that can help you in the task for sure –

•    Smile and Pleasantries – a simple smile can simply please the customer. Not just during a physical meeting, but even while speaking on the phone a smile can leave a positive impression on the call giving the client a pleasant feeling. Besides this, exchanging small pleasantries like sorry, thank you, and please at the right time can work wonders

sales representative
Sales Representative
 •    Avoid saying you are honest – using ‘To be honest’ during your communication with the client leaves a negative impression. The consumer might think that you have been dishonest with him so far. So, avoid saying the same

•    Stop talking, start listening – when you are in customer service industry you must always remember that you are here to solve the user’s problems. And, for that you must listen to what the client is facing. This is where listening skills come into picture. Be a good listener

•    Explain the expectations – tell the patron in clear-cut form about what to expect, and gain agreement for the same. This is important part of rapport building process, something, which is most important for retention of consumers, once you have worked with them

These are some simple, yet most effective strategies for giving boost to your career in sales. But, don’t forget to brush up your technical knowledge as well.
So, are you prepared to instill these changes?